
This is the way to price fix in FIFA 16 in detail. We all know that price mix a player is a good method for trading in ultimate team of FIFA 16 Coins. Usually you need to find a decent demand player, you may need some practice to determine which player is suitable for this method.

Keep in mind, demand and supply, these two words are the key of trading in FIFA 16. Take a normal bronze card as an example, when you price fix it, you won’t find any changes, because there is no demand or a small demand for it. If you can choose a popular player such as Ramsay to price fix, you will success but you may won’t success, because there are so many pages for him, even if you buy all of them, there will be another Ramsay appear on the transfer market as a result of their increased price fix. And you may need to pay 3000 FIFA coins.

People always can find the price changed and realized weather they can sell players from his team or club, and weather they can make a small profit. And for the same player, someone is willing to put a player up for 2900, and another person may list him up for 2800.

At last, you will find the player’s price plummet, at this time, you will lost some money. So price fix with smart way. You can pick a silver player in demand. Check carefully. And if someone had enough money to price fix him, they could put him up for 20k and I am sure there would be a demand for that.